Stay Safe During the Fall

Stay Safe During the Fall

Sadly, summer is coming to an end soon, and so does the sunny weather. While it is still summer, let’s keep in mind the approaching weather change and how we can be safe transitioning to the new environment. Since the weather during the fall can be quite unpredictable, you should always prepare for the unexpected wet, cold, and windy weather even when the sun is still shining. So, stay safe during the Fall.

Slips, trips, and falls happen year-round, but during the fall and winter, they tend to happen more often.  Weather changes create a more hazardous work environment and increase the risks of work injuries.

Being prepared with a proactive plan that addresses slips, trips, and falls explicitly will enhance work zone safety. It will also minimize potential costs related to workers compensation. A well-crafted plan will minimize fines from the government and prevent unnecessary equipment replacements and help you stay safe during the fall.

Here are some easy and helpful tips that will help avoid slips, trips, and falls during the wet season.

  1. Keep stairways, walkways, and other work areas clear.
  2. Immediately remove hazards, like water on the floor.
  3. Make sure all hazardous areas are marked. Use temporary signs, barricades, cones, or floor stands to alert workers passing by.

Educate your personnel and make sure they create good safety habits. Here are a few examples:

  1. While walking, be aware of your surroundings, and prepare your hands to react if a slip happens.
  2. Do not compromise your balance by carrying loads that are too heavy.
  3. Make sure to wear appropriate footwear. Use heavy treads to increase traction.
  4. Make yourself visible to drivers by wearing the proper brightly colored jacket and other appropriate safety gear.

Communicate with your staff in order to create a safe environment where everyone is comfortable and consciously follow instructions. Leaders should always communicate safety rules but also hear what workers have to say in order to enhance workplace safety.

Be safe and enjoy the rest of the summer! Keep Extreme Safety in mind for your safety equipment and safety training needs.

Extreme Safety is your one-stop-shop for all your personal protective equipment and learning materials for every phase of the project. Contact us today: 310-856-0166 or email us at