Is Your Workplace as Safe as it Could Be

No matter what type of workplace you work in, the safety of the employees is always the first priority. Everyone deserves a safe working environment, no matter the occupation. Health and safety procedures ensure that daily work life runs smoothly whether they’re working in an office or a rowdy construction site. While you can easily claim to have a safe work environment, is your workspace as safe as it could be? This blog will go over six health and safety essentials that every workplace should implement at its site.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are a legal requirement that all companies are required to do. They identify potential hazards within a workplace that could cause accidents, injuries, or ill-health. The level and likelihood of the incidents occurring also need to be analyzed to develop effective control measures and preventive action plans. All in all, risk assessments can:

  • Save lives
  • Avoid unnecessary costs of poor risk management
  • Reduce the company’s legal liability

Sufficient Lighting

While it may seem obvious, having good lighting around the entire workplace is vital for employee safety. The areas that most require adequate lighting are places with heavy foot traffic, such as hallways. A place without a source of natural light would require that you install some sort of lighting. Trips and falls are one of the biggest work hazards, and if people can’t see due to that, you’ll likely be held accountable.

Cleanliness & Good Hygiene

One of the most obvious workplace essentials is cleanliness and good hygiene. Dirty or messy workspaces cause workers to get ill or accident themselves. Ensure that your building’s floors, fittings, and furniture are cleaned thoroughly to prevent bacteria and germ build-up that can result in illness being spread within employees.

Management of Noise Levels

Many people don’t realize how hazardous high noise levels in the workplace really are. In the long run, it can lead to irreversible, permanent hearing damage! For example, if workers find themselves having to raise their voices to have a conversation, that could signify that the noise levels are too high. If so, hearing protection will be necessary!

Hearing Protection

Electrical Safety

Electrical equipment should always be properly installed and tested. A full electrical risk assessment should be done. A switch or isolator should always be located near electrical machinery so that workers can quickly cut off the power supply in case of an emergency. Conduct regular inspections to ensure that it’s safe to operate. If you find any faulty cables or plug sockets, they should be covered, marked with “Do Not Use,” and immediately replaced. It is important to provide employees with the proper safety equipment to prevent getting into an electrical accident.

Manual Labor Safety

Manual jobs might not seem high risk; however, it is actually one of the most common causes of workplace injuries. Whether it be using machinery or lifting heavy objects, ensuring that the hands are safe during the process is essential. One of the best ways of increasing manual labor safety is by simply providing workers with safety gloves.

Increase Workplace Safety with Extreme Safety

Is your workplace as safe as it could be? A safe and healthy workplace not only protects employees from injuries and illness, but can also reduce injury/sickness costs, reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, and enhance employee morale. We hope this blog helps you see how you can make your workplace a safer place. The best thing you can do is provide your workers with the best personal protective equipment in the market. To get personal protective equipment for your workers, give Extreme Safety a call at (310) 856-0166 or click here.