In this blog we’re going to give small businesses tips on how to reopen safely during the new normal. We’re seeing small businesses reopening nationwide, but they are operating much differently than before. Owners must choose when and how it’s safe to reopen and that choice isn’t as easy as just merely flipping a closed sign to an open sign.

When a governor or mayor give the green light to reopen, before deciding the logistics of how to operate, owners must decide whether or not they actually want to open. Many states are already allowing their economies to begin reopening but public health officials and data are expressing that’s not the best idea, so owners are stuck in a little bit of a standstill. If you are a business owner, it is important to understand that no one is forcing you to open up, exactly, when you are legally allowed to.

First, you need to form a company statement if you are reopening or not. If you are, that’s great, but you need to let your customers know. And if you’re not, that’s also fine. You need to keep that transparency between your consumers and your business. The more the communication you have, the more likely you are to retain those customers.

So let’s say that you do decide to open up your business, what measures can you take to ensure the safety of the employees as well as the customers?

Social Distancing

As most of you guys have likely seen if you’re in grocery stores or those essential businesses there is already tape on the ground that marks a safe distance between you and the consumer behind you. Also many stores have created and installed those plastic barriers between the customer and the employee at checkouts to ensure that extra level of safety when the 6 foot recommended distancing is not possible. Those are some really good tips about social distancing.

Cleaning and Sanitation

A good tip is to designate new cleaning and sanitation practices to the staff: wipe down common surfaces between customers, credit card machines, registers, railings and handles and so. Definitely consider adding more hand sanitation availability as well.

Screening for Symptoms

Employers should screen their employees. This is so important to see if they have any symptoms of the virus like respiratory illness or fever. Additionally, if an employee is feeling sick, do not risk it and let them have the day off. You don’t want to risk having that person infecting others.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It is important to point out that guidelines are different city to city and state to state. For example, wearing a face mask might be required in your area or it just might be highly recommended in others. Whether it is mandatory or not, wearing appropriate PPE, such as face masks and gloves, is a good idea. Stock enough PPE for all your employees, train them on how to use it and make sure it is cleaned and stored properly.

What is the guideline or a recommendation about the amount of people that a business can allow inside at one time?

There is no blanket number that says all businesses must operate at X percent of their normal capacity. Governors set those capacity recommendations when they lift their state’s stay at home orders. You’ll see that capacity number become gradually higher as restrictions are relaxed.

We hope that these tips will help you open up your small business as safely and smoothly as possible.  At Extreme Safety, we are passionate about the safety industry and are always finding ways to innovate our store and safety expertise to provide better service and materials. Call Today: 310-856-0166 or shop on our website.