How to Build Safe Habits that Last (Contruction worker with safety gear)

Workplace safety is a life-long endeavor. It requires training, practice, and a few reminders here and there. However, if you create a habit out of it, it’ll be like second nature and a lot easier to achieve. Workplace safety is what every industry should aim for, and if you make it easier for the workers, then the ideal workplace just might be achievable! This blog will go over how to build safe habits that last and why it’s so important.

Speak Up

To help establish a safety culture in the workplace, you must empower your workers to speak up! You can instill a motto like, “see something, say something.” Creating an environment of open communication makes for a space where employees feel comfortable speaking up about unsafe practices and potentially hazardous observations. Give them frequent reminders of this to help encourage them to do so. It will help create a habit of immediately reporting any unsafe practice or conditions they encounter. As an employer, united leadership is essential for starting conversations. To initiate the “see something, say something” culture, make sure that the workers know when and how to report these concerns. Encourage them to speak to the supervisor, or provide them with resources to make reports anonymously.

Implement Microlearning

Microlearning is to learn in short, consistent “chunks.” This is an excellent way of teaching employees the importance of safe workplace practices. This establishes everyday habits without having to get too heavy on the topic, which can lead to an information overload. Over time, the combination of microlearning and continuous practice will help workers build safe habits that last. Similar to students in school that study hard the day right before an exam, once the exam is over, they forget everything. But when people learn little by little, the information is more likely to stay in their heads.

Participatory Learning

In order to help employees make a habit out of safe workplace practices, it’ll take more than watching a video or listening to a lecture. It has been proven that participatory learning is the most effective way for people to retain information. According to the National Training Laboratories, participatory learning methods provide workers with an average learning retention rate of 75-90%. This is immense compared to passive learning methods of audio-visual or live demonstration, with an average learning retention rate of 20-30%. Participatory learning usually involves training members to avoid injuries with the use of:

  • Group discussions
  • Group practice
  • Brainstorming
  • In-person teaching

Construction workers (Participatory Learning)

Remind Employees to Use Their Personal Protective Equipment Always

One of the safest habits workers can have is to use their safety equipment as though it were part of them. Workers should not “choose to” wear their safety gear. They have to get accustomed to wearing it without a second thought. Encourage workers to call out on others to remind them to wear their PPE. Habits won’t form with quarterly meetings. Provide works with resources outside of regular meetings to enforce the safety practices you are teaching. Don’t just emphasize the importance of wearing the protective gear, but of also putting it on correctly.

Increase Workplace Safety with Extreme Safety

From empowering employees to speak up to providing workers with the necessary personal protective equipment needed for the job, making safety happen starts with you. We hope this blog helps you see how to build safe habits that last! Workplace safety is important, and ensuring that you’re doing your part to ensure every employee’s safety is all-important. If you’re looking for the best in Personal Protective Equipment for your workers, give Extreme Safety a call at (310) 856-0166 or click here to explore our safety gear and supplies.