stay safe in roadway work zones.

stay safe in roadway work zones.

Stay Safe in Roadway Work Zones.

As the weather got warmer, you probably notice more and more people on the road, and at the same time, highway construction work is ongoing. Statistics by the Federal Highway Administration show that over 24,000 people have died in work zone related crashes between 1982 and 2014. Also, statistics from the Bureau of Labor note that over 1500 workers died during road construction sites between 2003 and 2015. So, this fall stay safe in roadway work zones.

Safety prevention does not only apply to workers but also to drivers.

If  You Are a Roadworker.

OSHA has established the following as essential aspects of temporary traffic control management in highway work zones:

Training: When working near motor vehicle traffic, all workers should be educated on how to work safely in that environment. For added security workers with different roles need to be trained on the techniques required, how to use the appropriate tools, and where each machine or device should be placed.

Protective Clothing: OSHA has specific standard clothing descriptions that need to be met. All workers should wear high-visibility apparel, and one particular person should be in charge of making sure everyone wears the correct work attire. The OSHA calls it the competent person. To be able to identify this person read more about it on the OSHA safety website.

Barriers: Workers should have basic knowledge of where to place safety barriers based on factors such as:

  • Lateral clearance from workers and oncoming traffic;
  • Speed of traffic;
  • How long the work is going to last;
  • What type of work it is;
  • Time of the day;
  • How much traffic there is.

Speed reduction: It is essential that if needed, there have to be speed regulating zones close to construction. According to OSHA, this can be done by involving local police to enforce a reduced speed limit on specific work zones.

Activity areas: Design a safer work zone to reduce the chance of backed up vehicles or road work equipment.

If You Are a Driver

It is highly probable that if you own and drive a vehicle, there will come the time when you will drive by a highway work zone. Please follow these tips diligently:

Pay attention:

Keep your eyes on the road at all times and make it a habit to pull over and stop completely in order to change the radio station, eat, drink, and use your cellphone.

Keep your headlights on:

This will help others see your vehicle.

Stay alert:

Watch for brake lights and stay vigilant so you would be prepared to stop if needed.

Slow down:

Follow the speed limit signage. Road work might be closer than you think to your vehicle. Be prepared to reduce the speed as required.

Pay attention to flaggers and prepare for the unexpected. Work zones can change without notice. Workers and equipment alike may enter your lane without warning.

No matter what side you are on, we all can make a difference. Be safe and enjoy the rest of the summer!

Keep Extreme Safety in mind for all your safety equipment or safety training needs.

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